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7 Steps to Take Before You Buy a Home

G. M. Filisko is an attorney and award-winning writer. A frequent contributor to publications including Bankrate, REALTOR Magazine, and the American Bar Association Journal, she specializes in real estate, personal finance, and legal topics. By doing your homework before you buy, you’ll feel more content about your new home. Most potential home buyers are a smidge [...]

By |2022-08-19T13:29:12-04:00March 20th, 2016|New Home Buying|

Have it Your Way

Have it Your Way! A fast food restaurant used that in an advertising campaign to convey you could choose the toppings for your sandwich. With a new home, you can choose how you want to use a room and have it designed to reflect your lifestyle. The primary bathroom is more personal space and one [...]

By |2021-12-03T11:06:00-05:00March 18th, 2016|New Home Features|

Tax Tips for Homeowners

As the April 15th deadline to file 2015 taxes quickly approaches. Here are a few tax tip blog articles we shared, in previous years, to help you maximize deductions and save money. Want to rest assured you have all the documents you need when you need them, but not be awash in paper? Tax and Home Records Checklist: What [...]

By |2022-08-19T13:29:12-04:00March 16th, 2016|Home Financing|

Evaluate Your House for a Deck

Dave Toht has written or edited over 60 books on home repair and remodeling for The Home Depot, Lowe’s, Better Homes & Gardens, Sunset, and Reader’s Digest. He's a former contractor with decades of hands-on experience.   Here’s how to plan a new deck that suits your property, meets your budget, and offers the best return [...]

By |2022-08-19T13:29:13-04:00March 14th, 2016|Home Ownership|

7 Tips for a Profitable Home Closing

G. M. Filisko is an attorney and award-winning writer. A frequent contributor to publications including Bankrate, REALTOR Magazine, and the American Bar Association Journal, she specializes in real estate, personal finance, and legal topics. Be sure you’re walking away with all the money you’re entitled to from the sale of your home. When you’re ready to [...]

By |2022-08-19T13:29:13-04:00March 12th, 2016|New Home Buying|

Don’t Miss These Home Tax Deductions

Dona DeZube has been writing about real estate for more than two decades. She lives in a suburban Baltimore Midcentury modest home on a 3-acre lot shared with possums, raccoons, foxes, a herd of deer, and her blue-tick hound.   From mortgage interest to property tax deductions, here are the tax tips you need to get [...]

By |2020-10-19T13:55:04-04:00March 8th, 2016|Home Financing|

Building in a Fine Line Homes Community in the Harrisburg Area

Before purchasing land to build your new home, consider building in a Fine Line Homes Community. Below are 10 Benefits to building in an established, planned, new home community: The build space of each lot has been pre-cleared, saving you the expense of felling trees and clearing brush. Public Sewer and Water are available; avoiding the [...]

By |2022-08-19T13:29:14-04:00March 6th, 2016|Building a New Home|

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

Storage is one of the factors to consider on determining how a home will “live”. Pantry closets are becoming more important with many of our home designs featuring a walk-in or corner pantry closet with generous space. But often we think of closets as just that – storage. They can be much more. An electrical [...]

By |2020-10-09T11:16:10-04:00March 3rd, 2016|New Home Features|

The Circle of Life – Aging in Place

I’m reminded of the theme of the popular Disney movie, The Lion King, as my wife and I will soon become empty nesters after raising three children. We started our journey of home ownership together with building our first home, a bi-level, in 1976. Now 40 years later and 2 new two-story homes we are [...]

By |2020-10-19T14:04:00-04:00March 1st, 2016|New Home Features|