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About Fine Line Homes

Fine Line Homes is a leading semi-custom home builder that focuses on helping families build their dream homes. We are based in Pennsylvania and Winston-Salem, North Carolina and specialize in constructing beautiful and unique homes that are tailored to individual desires and budgets.

Posts By: Fine Line Homes

10 11, 2015

Oh, my poor tired eyes!

By |2021-03-26T13:38:14-04:00November 10th, 2015|New Home Features|

By the end of the day, after seven or more hours, perched over my desk, peering into a computer monitor that seems to grow smaller by the minute, oh my poor tired eyes! This started me thinking of ways to help new home buyers to alleviate eye strain in their new homes. When building a [...]

6 11, 2015

An Appreciation for Tradition

By |2020-12-09T14:46:02-05:00November 6th, 2015|New Home Features|

Few exterior cues hearken back to simpler times more than shuttered windows and big, covered front porches. Add divided-lite windows plus masonry accents to horizontal siding and you've got the recipe for an instant classic. Our Greenville home plan is a fine example. So...what about the inside? What interior amenities similarly reflect traditional roots? To begin, [...]

31 10, 2015

Flexible Living or Flex Rooms

By |2020-10-12T10:25:44-04:00October 31st, 2015|New Home Features|

Terminology varies from region to region or plan to plan, but whether it is called a flex room, bonus room, flexible area, flex space, etc. you will want a house plan that offers areas that can be used for a multitude of purposes as you and your family’s lifestyle changes over time. With a growing [...]

29 10, 2015

What’s the Best Location for a Guest Bathroom?

By |2020-12-09T09:49:42-05:00October 29th, 2015|New Home Features|

The guest bath-also commonly referred to as a "powder room", is primarily a convenience. Having a guest bath means not having family, friends, colleagues and even clients admiring your child's collection of rubber duckies. But what's the best location for a powder bath? Well, that depends on how you live in your home. In home [...]

23 10, 2015

Tips to extend your outdoor living spaces all year round

By |2021-04-06T14:07:03-04:00October 23rd, 2015|New Home Features|

The prevalence and popularity of outdoor living comforts are on the rise, as homeowners become accustomed to the many benefits exterior spaces have to offer. With cooler and shorter days just around the corner, now is the time to start preparing the outdoor spaces of your home for relaxing and entertaining that will transcend the [...]

21 10, 2015

Natural Stone or Stone Veneer Finishes

By |2019-09-16T14:20:25-04:00October 21st, 2015|New Home Features|

Today’s home buyers are more and more wanting to capitalize on the beauty and strength of stone on both the inside and outside of their homes. In the past natural stone was almost always cost prohibitive, but nowadays we no longer have to deal with monolithic blocks hewn from raw earth. Today, stone veneer is [...]

15 10, 2015

I Wish I had Thought About That!

By |2021-12-03T11:21:26-05:00October 15th, 2015|New Home Features|

Form and function. Beautiful and practical. Great home design has to have both. The bathroom in a primary suite has always been a "hot button" for home buyers. Hence, bath design receives lots of attention. Designers often start with creating the first impression--what you see when you first walk into the bathroom. Recently, we've been [...]

13 10, 2015

Your Home Puts on About 40 Pounds per Year

By |2021-03-31T15:25:10-04:00October 13th, 2015|Home Ownership|

Forty pounds of dust, that is! Now, there's nothing you can do to completely eliminate dust as clothing fibers, pet dander, dead skin cells, and items we track in from outdoors add to the problem daily. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), dust bunnies aren't just unsightly and sometimes allergenic; they contain toxic chemicals. [...]

12 10, 2015

Erase Ugly Scratches from Your Wood Floors

By |2020-12-09T09:57:25-05:00October 12th, 2015|Home Ownership|

By Jane Hoback: Jane is a veteran business writer who has written for the Rocky Mountain News, Natural Foods Merchandiser magazine, and ColoradoBIZ Magazine. Repair wood floors and scratches that make rooms look worn out. We’ll show you easy ways to put the luster back into your floors. Dogs chase kids, pans drop, chairs scrape, and soon [...]